Cyber shadow review
Cyber shadow review

cyber shadow review

If you die, you have to redo a hard area multiple times to get to it, and if you haven’t mastered the controls, you’ll be punished each and every time by having to replay long sections. With their being spread out after 4 or 5 scenes, you will have to do your best to have patience to get to them. The second part,though… that’s when the frustration of the checkpoints comes in. Speaking of checkpoints, the first half of the game is balanced well. If you die and start at that checkpoint, you receive whatever you brought there. With the items, you can get them only at the checkpoints, and if you are hit three times, you lose them. You can buy Health restore, Spirit Restore so you can throw your kunai and more, and Item Synthesis that will give you random power ups to use in the level. Not all bullets can be parried, but when you can, it will save you time and health.Ĭyber Shadow also carries checkpoints and shops within it. When done right, it will turn a projectile shot at you into a blue orb that you can swing back and cause more damage.

cyber shadow review

Outside of double jumps, wall slides, throwing stars, and kunai, your best friend will be the parry move. You will be given an arsenal of moves to make you a tougher ninja who must exercise those moves to the best of your ability. You can’t press down or a button to avoid bullets that come your way. One thing you must know is that you’re a Ninja who cannot duck. The challenge ramps up, and the pattern play comes in with quick control inputs you have to do. With the lighting, water effects, and machinery movements, it gives that 8-bit appeal life.Ĭyber Shadow starts off as an easy platformer, and as you collect powers and revisit areas à la Metroid, the game challenge seems balanced. A normal NES title couldn’t handle these features, but seeing the game on today’s hardware, it’s very eye-catching. The detailed environments will remind you of Batman from Sunsoft as the destroyed city of Mekacity’s buildings, sewers, caves, reactors, and other areas in this 11-stage game bring that mechanical look to the levels. The game runs smoothly and keeps the fast pace action and platforming going. There weren’t any frame rate drops or NES hiccups (i.e., different coloring in environments, pop up, screen tearing, slow down). Where Ninja Gaiden has a simpler look in motion, Cyber Shadow uses modern effects and scrolling that run smoothly. It differs from Shovel Knight, as the sprite-based Shadow has more of a Double Dribble look and outline of the character. It’s nothing that hasn’t been seen or explored in this medium, but the narrative is nicely done and comprehensible.Ĭyber Shadow’s 8-bit graphics will remind you more of a Konami game than Tecmo’s. You can also come into contact with bodies lying on the ground and data systems that will bring more information on what happened to the Master and the clan. Taking cues from Ninja Gaiden on the NES, the cinematic expositions help the flow of the game, which captures the retro feel with cutscenes in the ‘80s. The antagonist, Progenitor, plans on stopping Shadow and more. Throughout the game, you are shown flashbacks about Shadow and the clan and the connection between the Master and Shadow. You must do everything you can to get to the bottom of things since you are at risk of dying. Surviving the impact, you are told that the Master is in need of help, and away you go. You are shown a past event as Mekacity is destroyed in an explosion. You play as Shadow, a cybernetic ninja who was in stasis when a mechanical robot named L-Gion releases him. Does Cyber Shadow have a deadly effect to keep you playing, or does it need some repairs that won’t leave you in the dark?Ĭyber Shadow takes place in the ruined city of Mekacity. Cyber Shadow, Mechanical Heads’ debut title published by Yacht Club Games, brings a familiarity to the genre but does it in a way that may make you think. From The Ninja on the Sega Master System to 2018’s The Messenger, with power-ups, new moves, and tight controls, a player must learn what it takes to become the ninja that particular game needs you to be. There have been various takes in the ninja genre over the years, and each one does one thing right: challenge. Available on PC, Switch, PS 4/5, Xbox One (Gamepass).

Cyber shadow review